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COVID-19 Tips For families with confirmed patients at home

  • Record the symptom onset date and time of the child.
  • Measure and record the child’s temperature with ear thermometer at least twice a day and do it more frequently if there is a fever. (Normal body temperature is 36.5-37.5C)
  • Keep a daily record of any new symptoms and pay particular attentions to any signs of deterioration of existing symptoms such as pallor and shortness of breath.
  • Antipyretic such as paracetamol can be used to relieve mild fever, headache and sore throat in child. 
  • If the child develops difficulty in breathing, bluish lips, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, sudden alteration of consciousness or confusion, persistent high fever, convulsion or poor oral intake, please call an ambulance to the hospital at once. 
  • Make sure the child has adequate rest and sleep.
  • Wherever possible, the parent/carer and the child should stay and eat at the same room and stay away from other household members. Both the parent/carer and the child must wear masks as appropriate.
  • Remind the child to maintain personal hygiene, such as wash his/her hands frequently, close the toilet lid before flushing and wash their hands thoroughly after using toilet, cover his/her mouth and nose with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing. 
  • The child should have personal cutlery, drinking glasses, mouthwash cups, toothbrushes and towels. 
  • If household conditions are permissible, a dedicated toilet/bathroom should be arranged for the child. If toilet/bathroom is shared, other household members should not place their towels and personal hygiene items in the toilet/bathroom when not in use.
  • Use 1:49 diluted household bleach to clean your home and child’s toys thoroughly every day.


  • The infected persons and other household members should wear masks at all times if possible.
  • Infected persons should avoid face-to-face contact with other household members. If household condition allows, they should stay in their own room. Whenever they leave the room, they should wear well-fitted surgical masks properly.
  • Perform hand hygiene regularly and observe cough manners.
  • Keep the living place well ventilated.
  • Avoid dining and sharing personal items with other household members.
  • Avoid having food prepared or handled by the infected person to prevent cross-infection.
  • About half a litre of water should be poured in each floor drain outlet at least once a week.
  • Use 1:49 diluted household bleach to clean your home thoroughly every day.
  • If toilet is shared, cleaning and disinfection should be done immediately after every use. 
  • Infected person should make every effort to stay at home and avoid going out. If going out is strictly necessary (e.g. for seeking medical attention), they should take personal protective measures and use point-to-point transport as far as practicable.
  • Thermometer and oximeter can be prepared to monitor health conditions at any time.
  • Call an ambulance to the hospital at once if severe symptoms are developed, such as persistent fever at 38C or above, shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain or confusion, etc.