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MenCare Health Check Programme

Choose a life of strength

Professional health assessment 
Customisable and Fit-For-You
Holistic care approach 

MenCare Health Check Programme, managed and administered by our professional medical team, is a customisable check-up programme dedicated to all men, aiming at the holistic wellness of you and your family.

Making professional personal

Our medical team will conduct an in-depth analysis of your health condition, family medical history, health risk and many other factors, and propose a personalised check-up plan that fits you. We believe your check-up should be based on the “right fit” principle and avoid unnecessary procedures.

To help you make better and healthier decisions, your doctor will provide a thorough debrief of the check-up results, and provide advices and recommend follow-up actions if necessary.

With flexibility comes options

We offer 3 types of plans for men with different health needs. The opt-in items under the Health Plus Check-up Scheme allows you to customise and add on based on your doctor’s recommendation, so your check-up always suits your needs.

The Care Flow

Care Flow

Plan Details and Fee

Health Plus Check-up Scheme

Health Plus 自選檢查項目
Check-up Scheme opt-in items

適用於M1-M3所有體檢計劃 Applicable to Plan M1 - M3
Investigation Categories
Investigation Items
胃部 Stomach
C-Urea Breath Test
腸道 Intestinal Tract
Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
癌症 Cancer
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
Plasma Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) DNA Screening
(Plasma EBV DNA Screening)
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
Hepatitis A and B Combo
Hep A Antibody
骨質 Bone
維生素 D Vitamin D
心臟 Heart
Treadmill Test
冠狀動脈電腦斷層造影 (鈣化評分)
CT-Coronary Angiogram (CTCA) with Calcium Scoring
CT-Coronary Angiogram (CTCA) without Calcium Scoring
24-hour ECG (Holter) Monitoring
肺部 Lung
電腦掃描 - 低輻射量胸部篩檢
CT-Thorax Low Dose Screening
腹部 Abdomen
Ultrasound Whole Abdomen (including Pelvis)
「Health Plus」自選檢查項目將不定期更新,詳情可向本中心的服務人員查詢。
Health Plus Check-up items will be updated from time to time. For details, please contact our service team.

For more information about the fees of radiology services, please refer to the links below:



Booking and enquiry: 3946 6188

Book Now (For locals)

Book Now (For non-locals)

address 11/F, Wellness Centre, CUHKMC

Important Information

  1. Please dress comfortably on check-up day and avoid necklace or other metallic accessories.
  2. Avoid staying up late, drinking or strenuous exercising the day before your check-up.
  3. Please notify your doctor of any on-going use of medication such as hypertension, diabetes, and/or cardiovascular diseases.
  4. In case fasting blood test is necessary for blood lipid or glucose level monitoring, patients should avoid eating or drinking for at least 8 hours prior. 
  5. Please notify the medical team prior to any blood draw if you have blood or needle phobia. 
  6. Please follow instructions from the medical team during your check-up. If you experience any discomfort, notify the team immediately. 

Many health issues, such as hypertension, diabetes, or even cancer do not display obvious symptoms in their early stages. If you only undergo health check when unwell arises, it is possible that the condition has progressed to a later stage, potentially losing the golden window and making treatment difficult. The exact purpose of health check is to undercover illnesses or conditions in their early stages, where treatment or other preventive measures are the most effective – it is for this reason that you are recommended to undergo regular check-ups.

Men of different ages have different health needs – younger men tend to have irregular living habits such as lack of rest, imbalanced diet, lack of exercise, drinking or smoking, which could lead to health issues; as one ages, endocrinological problems, such as central obesity, hypertension, diabetes, high triglycerides levels, are more prevalent. Hence, men of all ages should undergo health check-ups regularly. Our medical team will recommend the relevant items based on your health condition, as well as medical history of yourself and your family.

It is crucial that our doctor understands your body and health condition, dietary practice, personal and family medical history and other risk factors before your check-up to design a personalised check-up programme fit to your needs. 
For post-check consultation, since health check reports can include a large amount of information and metrics, a thorough debrief and analysis from our doctor will help you have an accurate understanding of the implications and your health condition, avoiding any misunderstanding and anxiety. Moreover, our doctor can recommend any follow-up actions if necessary, so you can respond to the situation as soon as possible. 

If you carry certain risk factors, such as the habit of smoking or drinking, aging, or as indicated in your family medical history, you might benefit from a more frequent testing. Your doctor will be able to suggest a testing schedule after thoroughly evaluating your conditions.MC is a non-profit, private teaching hospital.

Depending on the check-up items, most procedures are completed within a half day, with the report made available within 3 to 4 weeks' time.

You may request male doctors for check-up procedures. Please indicate your preference at the time of making your appointment.


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