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CUHK Medical Centre Hosts “Innovation Symposium - Pioneering Solutions in Healthcare 2024”  To Promote Empathy and Patient Experience

25Nov 2024

CUHK Medical Centre Hosts “Innovation Symposium - Pioneering Solutions in Healthcare 2024” To Promote Empathy and Patient Experience

CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) held the “Innovation Symposium - Pioneering Solutions in Healthcare 2024” on 23 November 2024, featuring a series of inspirational panel sessions and talks by distinguished speakers and professionals in healthcare and innovation technology. As the third event after its debut in 2021, this year’s event aims to promote empathy and patient experience, and attracted more than 340 industry leaders and members of the public attending in person and online. In his opening remarks, Dr. Chien LEE, Chairman of the Board of CUHKMC, said, “‘Empathy’ and ‘Innovation’, two seemingly unrelated concepts, are actually intertwined in healthcare. These two elements when properly balanced, lay the foundation for exceptional patient care, ultimately improving patient outcome and experience. When innovators of healthcare grasp the importance of empathy, they will be able to use the rigours of creative thinking to find answers to patients’ challenges.” On 23 November, the symposium consisted of two sessions. In the morning session themed “Empathy and Innovation: The Future of Healthcare”, it featured three panel sessions delivered by eminent medical professionals and innovation technology experts, targeting at professionals in healthcare industry. Mr. Amir Dan RUBIN, CEO of Healthier Capital, shared his insights for leading in patient experience with audience.  Dr. Alexander NG, President of Tencent Healthcare, gave a keynote address on how to encounter the healthcare challenges of the Mainland with a population of 1.4 billion. Ms. LEE Chen Ee, Group Director for Innovation and Transformation of SingHealth, was present to deliver an address on patient-centered innovation. In the afternoon session themed “Care from Heart: Heartwarming Moments between Doctors and Patients”, professors from The Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as CUHKMC specialists and medical professionals hosted 7 health talks covering a vast range of topics, including dementia, cancer treatment, heart disease, etc. Family members of patients were also present to share about their caregiver’s journey. (Please refer to the Appendix (in Chinese only) for detailed rundown). Dr. Hong FUNG, Chief Executive Officer of CUHKMC, said, “Empathy is the key to providing healthcare services. Cultivating empathy is crucial to understanding the needs and feelings of patients and their caregivers. The exchange of knowledge and experience could promote the rationale of empathy and patient experience. That is why we have organised this Symposium, bringing together the industry leaders, innovators and technology experts, to discuss and explore how we could enhance the experience of patients and caregivers in healthcare services.”  On the following day of the Symposium (24 November), an Open House was organised to showcase some of the major services and technologies of CUHKMC to members of the public, including Radiotherapy Centre, Imaging & Interventional Radiology Centre, Cardiology Centre, Endoscopy Centre, Urology Centre, Eye Centre and Wellness Centre. The Open House was attended by around 300 people on the day.    Appendix (in Chinese only) 公眾講座「從心出發︰醫患溫暖瞬間」內容 認知障礙有得醫 中大醫學院內科及藥物治療學系教授莫仲棠教授 癌症病人如何善用公私醫療系統 中大醫學院腫瘤學系教授陳林教授 點樣用電去拯救生命 中大醫院心臟科專科醫生鄭裕康醫生 長者照顧者的日與夜 中大醫院老人科專科醫生何韻施醫生 急你所急:三言兩語中的理性與藝術 中大醫院急症科專科醫生梁子恒醫生 愛的灌溉:助產士與產婦同行 中大醫院婦產科護士陳曉燕助產士 治療、掙扎、同理心 中大醫院專職醫療服務主任及註冊物理治療師劉敏昌教授 李盛林牧師

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CUHK Medical Centre opens today

06 Jan 2021

CUHK Medical Centre opens today

The CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC), a non-profit, private teaching hospital, commences its services today to provide the public with quality, reliable and transparent healthcare services. Wholly owned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), all surpluses from the healthcare services will be ploughed back to the hospital for hospital development and the CUHK Faculty of Medicine for research and teaching.   With a total construction floor area of 100,000 m2, the 14-storey hospital has 516 in-patient beds and 90 day beds, 28 operating rooms and 56 consultation rooms. In its initial phase of operation, CUHKMC will provide out-patient and day services, including general out-patient clinic, specialist out-patient clinic, eye clinic, endoscopy services, physiotherapy services, radiology services and cardiac examination. A total of 20 beds will be opened in this phase, mainly for day patients and endoscopy in-patients.   CUHKMC offers a wide range of specialist out-patient services, covering General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Family Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat), Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Urology, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Infectious Diseases, etc. CUHKMC also has 16 special medical centres, to be launched in phases, which will provide one-stop services of consultation, investigation and treatment. In the initial phase, Endoscopy Centre, Imaging and Interventional Radiology Centre, Specialist Outpatient Centre, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Centre and Wellness Centre will be put into service.   As a smart hospital and in line with its patient-centred concept, CUHKMC not only houses state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities, but has also introduced numerous innovations in healthcare procedures and hospital operations, e.g. the multi-dose dispensing services for out-patients, where different drugs required per administration time are packed into a ready-to-use pouch, making it convenient for patients to take medications correctly, minimising the risk of missing a dose or using the wrong medication, as well as enhancing overall drug compliance.   To enhance price transparency and enable patients to have a better budget estimation, CUHKMC has developed package prices for various operations and procedures. The package prices cover all costs of the intended operations or procedures, including doctor's fees, room charges, treatment procedures charges and nursing procedure charges, and the costs of related medications and consumables, etc. CUHKMC will offer package prices for several endoscopy services at the initial stage of its operation and will introduce more package prices as the services rolls out.   Dr. Chien Lee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CUHKMC, said, “I am delighted to have witnessed the progression and growth of CUHKMC, from concept development, preparation, construction, completion to opening. The realization of this project can only be made possible due to our colleagues working closely together as a team. Despite having different perspectives and backgrounds, team members of CUHKMC are united with an aim to develop an innovative healthcare model, through a private hospital which will deliver high quality healthcare services at prices which are transparent and affordable. In this way, we are realizing our vision of “Pioneering Solutions in Healthcare”.”   Dr. Fung Hong, Chief Executive Officer of CUHKMC, said, “CUHKMC shoulders a social mission to bridge the gaps between the public and private healthcare in Hong Kong. We are dedicated to offering quality, affordable and transparent healthcare services through the implementation of package prices. Making use of smart technologies, we aim to improve patient experience, enhance the efficiency of hospital operation, and provide quality healthcare services to patients.”   With the opening of the hospital, CUHKMC will progressively roll out more out-patient, in-patient, day and specialist services according to the established plan. For more information on CUHKMC and its services, please visit the hospital website:   About CUHK Medical Centre  CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is a non-profit, private teaching hospital wholly owned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). With a social mission to bridge the service gaps between private and public healthcare in Hong Kong, CUHKMC is dedicated to offering quality healthcare service at affordable and transparent package prices. In line with the not-for-profit principle, all surpluses from all healthcare services will be ploughed back to the hospital for hospital development and the CUHK Faculty of Medicine for research and teaching.    ENQUIRIES Email: 

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CUHK Medical Centre launches Workplace Preparedness Programme against Infectious Diseases

07 Apr 2020

CUHK Medical Centre launches Workplace Preparedness Programme against Infectious Diseases

In view of the rapid global spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the surge in local confirmed cases, many employers and employees are increasingly concerned about the workplace hygiene. With a mission to serve the community with our medical professionalism, CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) launches “Workplace Preparedness Programme” (hereafter referred to as “the Programme”) to provide companies and organisations with customised advisory service on workplace and staff infection control and risk assessment. Through the Programme, CUHKMC aims to enhance corporate capabilities to react to infectious diseases and to provide employees with greater protection, and ultimately to minimise the risk of community transmission.   Though some companies have implemented the work-from-home arrangement, for some industries, employees still need to work in offices or designated locations due to business and operational needs. Virus can easily spread in dense places and through close contact. Places such as office indeed can easily become the hub for disease transmission with many unnoticed “transmission traps”. Infection control in workplace is therefore not only important to companies and organisations, but also critical for Hong Kong as a whole in combating infectious diseases.   CUHKMC aims to become the “health and infection control partner” of companies and organisations through the Programme. Upholding the not-for-profit principle, CUHKMC aims to contribute to the community with its medical professionalism and help enhance the corporate capabilities to react to infectious diseases.   Dr. Fung Hong, Chief Executive Officer of CUHKMC said, “With the COVID-19 pandemic raging throughout the world, we need to be prepared and equipped for a prolonged battle against the disease. All of us should remain vigilant and work together to combat the pandemic. Through the Workplace Preparedness Programme, CUHKMC hopes to contribute to the community by sharing our professional knowledge with companies and organisations to enhance their preparedness against infectious diseases. This will help reduce transmission risks at workplace, and more importantly, prevent spread of diseases in the community.   Dr. Jacqueline Choi, specialist in public health medicine of CUHKMC and one of the advisory members of the Programme, added, “There are many commonly shared facilities and areas in workplace, such as computers, stationeries, pantries and conference rooms. Meanwhile, frequently touched surfaces including keyboards, buttons and handrails can also become the medium for spreading virus. Indeed, by adopting some refinement to the workflow and workplace environment, early detection of asymptomatic cases, and promoting personal hygiene awareness, we can already effectively lower the infection risk. This is actually what the Programme aims for.”   For details and further enquiries, please CLICK HERE.    To further enhance the public awareness, CUHKMC will stage its first ever Facebook Live Forum on disease prevention within workplace on 8 April 2020 (Wednesday) at 1:00p.m. via the CUHKMC Facebook Page. All members of the public are welcome to join. The guest speakers will address participants’ enquiries in the question-and-answer session. [CUHKMC Facebook Page:]   About CUHK Medical Centre  CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is a non-profit, private teaching hospital wholly owned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). With a social mission to bridge the service gaps between private and public healthcare in Hong Kong, CUHKMC is dedicated to offering quality healthcare service at affordable and transparent package prices. In line with the not-for-profit principle, all surpluses from all healthcare services will be ploughed back to the hospital for hospital development and the CUHK Faculty of Medicine for research and teaching.   In late March 2019, CUHKMC has opened in Tsim Sha Tsui its first specialist clinic, CUHK Medical Clinic (, which provides a broad range of specialist out-patient services to patients, including Cardiology, Dermatology, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, General Surgery, Gynaecology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat) and Public Health Medicine, as well as diversified health check services and vaccination services.   ENQUIRIES  Email:

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CUHK Medical Centre Pioneers in Hospital Logistics Management

22 Nov 2019

CUHK Medical Centre Pioneers in Hospital Logistics Management

As a patient-first Smart Hospital, CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is dedicated to providing quality and efficient services for patients. To optimize the logistics management of pharmaceutical products and medical consumables, so that the medical team can focus on the treatment and care of patients, CUHKMC has collaborated with DKSH Hong Kong Limited (DKSH) to design a pioneering third-party logistics (3PL) service model to digitalise and systemize the inventory management of pharmaceutical products and medical consumables. CUHKMC is the first local hospital implementing such a 3PL system, which not only improves the operation efficiency, but also helps ensure sufficient stock of pharmaceutical products and medical consumables at all time. CUHKMC and DKSH have signed the contract, appointing DKSH to manage and operate the 3PL management system of the hospital, turning a new chapter in Hong Kong’s hospital logistics management.   The logistics management of pharmaceutical products and medical consumables is a complex and critical aspect in hospital operation, which usually involves vast amount of manpower and storage space. DKSH operates in 35 markets and is the leading market expansion services provider offering an array of services from sourcing to after-sales service, and healthcare is one of the group’s four business units. With rich experience in logistics management and the application of advanced information technology, DKSH will operate the pioneering 3PL service model for CUHKMC. Services include: Receiving, storage and transportation of products Warehouse and inventory management Replenishment and topping up of products within hospital Cold chain management   Based on this model, DKSH will manage the off-site and in-house warehouses, handle and receive pharmaceutical products and medical consumables from various suppliers, manage the inventory and notify CUHKMC to activate the ordering process when inventory level has reached the pre-defined threshold, and arrange material delivery to hospital, so as to ensure sufficient supply of pharmaceutical products and medical consumables, as well as to replenish the stock of the in-house warehouse and wards. The varieties and volume of pharmaceutical products and medical consumables of a hospital are substantial, and some medicines need to be stored in a specified temperature, so DKSH has to make corresponding arrangement using the cold chain management system in the storing and delivery process.   About CUHK Medical Centre CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is a non-profit, private teaching hospital wholly owned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). With a social mission to bridge the service gaps between private and public healthcare in Hong Kong, CUHKMC is dedicated to offering quality healthcare service at affordable and transparent package prices. In line with the not-for-profit principle, all surpluses from all healthcare services will be ploughed back to the hospital for hospital development and the CUHK Faculty of Medicine for research and teaching. CUHKMC is expected to come into operation in the second half year of 2020.   In late March 2019, CUHKMC has opened in Tsim Sha Tsui its first specialist clinic, CUHK Medical Clinic (, which provides a broad range of specialist out-patient services to patients, including Cardiology, Dermatology, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, General Surgery, Gynaecology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat) and Public Health Medicine, as well as diversified health check services and vaccination services.   About DKSH Hong Kong Limited DKSH is the leading Market Expansion Services provider with a focus on Asia. The Group helps other companies and brands to grow in the Consumer Goods, Healthcare, Performance Materials and Technology sectors. DKSH’s portfolio of services includes sourcing, market insights, marketing and sales, distribution and logistics as well as after-sales services. Publicly listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, the Group operates in 35 markets with 33,000 specialists, generating net sales of CHF 11.3 billion in 2018. With its strong Swiss heritage and long business tradition since 1865, DKSH is deeply rooted in Asia Pacific. The DKSH Business Unit Healthcare distributes pharmaceuticals, consumer health and over-the-counter (OTC) products as well as medical devices. With around 8,800 specialists, the Business Unit generated net sales of CHF 6.1 billion in 2018.

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Development of CUHK Medical Centre into Hong Kong’s First Digital Smart Hospital

10 Dec 2017

Development of CUHK Medical Centre into Hong Kong’s First Digital Smart Hospital

The CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is expected to commence services in 2020 and will be developed into the city’s first fully digitalised smart hospital. Making use of advanced information and communications technology (ICT), CUHKMC aims to improve patient outcomes, maintain a high level of overall operational efficiency, and provide quality healthcare services to the patients.   Dr. FUNG Hong, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of CUHKMC, said, “We are striving to develop CUHKMC into a fully digitalised smart hospital, which encompasses 3 main elements and purposes. First, with a fully electronic and paperless medical record system, we hope to offer seamless healthcare services, with continuity, to our patients. It will enable us to coordinate our team of healthcare professionals to provide integrative services and promote the effectiveness of treatment. Second, mobile ICT and real-time data will support and facilitate a smooth patient treatment process, and at the same time allow closer communication between patients and our doctors and nurses. Third, with the application of the Internet of Things (IoT), a management system can be established to integrate information from different systems and devices, thereby enhancing the efficiency of hospital operations and services.”   Electronic medical record integrates caring processes In the course of designing the electronic medical record system, CUHKMC makes reference to the experiences of the Hospital Authority (HA). The fully electronic and paperless medical record system will cover all care and treatment processes, including nursing records, treatment workflows and clinical decision support. Dr. Fung anticipates that by the time the hospital begins operating in 2020, CUHKMC will have achieved the Stage 6 standard of the Healthcare Information Management System Society (HIMSS) Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM). Following that, the hospital aims to attain Stage 7 accreditation within the first 2-3 years of operations, ultimately fulfilling the aim of becoming fully paperless in patient care. CUHKMC will also concomitantly integrate with the Government’s Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS). Currently, only 5% of hospitals in the United States and seven hospitals in mainland China have achieved the HIMSS EMRAM Stage 7 accreditation.   As part of the development of a fully electronic medical record system, CUHKMC will establish Closed-loop Systems for the high-risk or critical medical procedures, such as drug management, blood transfusion and pathology investigation . These systems will provide real-time information to healthcare professionals, and monitor each key step in the treatment processes to ensure full compliance with safety standards, minimise unnecessary steps and improve treatment outcomes.   Implement medical record sharing at a one-stop service platform In conjunction with the application of mobile ICT, CUHKMC plans to set up an integrated mobile system which enables patients to make appointments, register, handle payments, check personal medical records, communicate with healthcare professionals and search for hospital directions at a one-stop service platform. Dr. Fung said, “People often perceive the hospital environment as a maze. We hope that, in future, CUHKMC patients will no longer need multiple referrals and enquiries to reach their doctors and contact the nurses who take care of them. They will be able to manage their own health through access to their own medical records, at ease.   Utilise the Internet of Things to enhance efficiency CUHKMC will use the Internet of Things to improve efficiency. Through deploying wi-fi network, radio-frequency identification (RFID) and bluetooth technologies into different areas, such as vital signs monitoring, drug management, material supplies, dispatch of uniforms, patient transfers, equipment management, patient location tracking and staff identification, the hospital operation workflows can be automated to reduce errors and to assist in communication between healthcare professionals and patients.    Following an open tender process, CUHKMC has appointed Ewell Hong Kong Limited to implement the hospital information system and software applications required in the progress to building a fully digitalised smart hospital. Ewell Technology Co. Ltd, the parent company of Ewell Hong Kong Limited, is based in Hangzhou and is a leading company in the smart healthcare industry in mainland China. Ewell Technology Co. Ltd has assisted seven hospitals in mainland China in obtaining HIMSS EMRAM Stage 6 & 7 accreditation and two private hospitals in Hong Kong in establishing their clinical information systems.

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Ceremony on Signing a MOU for EN Training

19 Jun 2017

Ceremony on Signing a MOU for EN Training

CUHK Medical Centre and Hong Kong Baptist Hospital signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) today (19 June) under which Hong Kong Baptist Hospital School of Nursing will train up enrolled nurses for CUHK Medical Centre.  The MOU will last for a period of 5 years, with a quota of 20 students per year.  Graduates will be employed by CUHK Medical Centre.    Dr. Fung Hong, Executive Director of CUHK Medical Centre said, "In the healthcare team, nurses are integral to ensuring a positive patient experience and quality service outcome.  Through the 5-year collaboration, CUHK Medical Centre will have 100 nurse graduates from Hong Kong Baptist Hospital’s accredited training programme.  This is an important strategy for us to ensure a stable supply of qualified nurses, and to build up a solid foundation for future collaboration among private hospitals, with the aim of providing better healthcare service to the citizens of Hong Kong.”    Dr. Alex Yu, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Baptist Hospital said, “Since its establishment in 1983, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital School of Nursing has embraced the spirit of Christ in developing professional nurses with good character, knowledge and skills who are driven by a vocational calling to deliver safe, holistic, managed, and ethical care to patients. This collaboration with CUHK Medical Centre is not only a recognition of our School of Nursing, it also serves towards achieving our mission of enhancing quality healthcare in Hong Kong.”    Upon the release of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) Examination result, CUHK Medical Centre will start recruiting suitable candidates to be enrolled into the Higher Diploma in General Nursing (Enrolled Nurses) Programme offered by Hong Kong Baptist Hospital School of Nursing.  Selected candidates will be given full sponsorship of the 2-year programme fee.  The programme will start on 8 January 2018.  DSE graduates and those who are interested in joining the nursing profession are welcome to submit their application for the training programme.    Information sessions will be arranged to give more details about CUHK Medical Centre. For more details, please visit the website at

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CUHK Holds Ground Breaking Ceremony of CUHK Medical Centre

08 Dec 2016

CUHK Holds Ground Breaking Ceremony of CUHK Medical Centre

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held the ground breaking ceremony of The CUHK Medical Centre today (8 December), symbolizing the commencement of the Centre’s construction. CUHK has been preparing for the establishment of the city’s first not-for-profit and self-financed teaching hospital since 2014, with the aim of serving the people of Hong Kong, enhancing the quality of teaching and research, and contributing to the healthcare system of Hong Kong.   Officiating guests at the ceremony included Dr. the Honourable Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR Government, Mr. Patrick Nip, Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Health), HKSAR Government, Dr. Constance Chan Hon-yee, Director of Health, HKSAR Government, Dr. Leung Pak-yin, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Dr. Norman N P Leung, Chairman of the Council, CUHK, Mr. Chien Lee, Chairman, Board of Directors, CUHK Medical Centre, Dr. Simon S O Ip, Chairman, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Prof. Joseph J Y Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK, Dr. Edgar Cheng Wai-kin, Member, Board of Directors, CUHK Medical Centre, Prof. Francis K L Chan, Dean of Medicine, CUHK, Dr. Fung Hong, Executive Director, CUHK Medical Centre, Miss Amy Chan, District Officer (Sha Tin), Home Affairs Department and Mr. Sammy Zhou, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, China State Construction International Holdings Limited. About 200 honoured guests and members of the university attended the ceremony and celebrated the new milestone in local healthcare services.   The CUHK Medical Centre is wholly-owned by CUHK. The hospital provides a full range of medical services and serves as a key base for clinical research, healthcare education and training. Prof. Joseph J Y Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK, said, ‘The CUHK Medical Centre is a not-for-profit hospital. Any surplus from the Medical Centre will be used to support its future development, and meet the teaching and research needs of the CUHK Faculty of Medicine. The mission of the hospital is to provide “Pioneering Solutions in Healthcare”. Its continuous striving for innovation will mean that local citizens can enjoy the advanced, high-quality medical services of the hospital.’ Prof. Sung added ‘With the aim of serving the people of Hong Kong, The CUHK Medical Centre belongs to the people of Hong Kong and will be devoted to addressing the medical needs of the sizeable middle-class.’   Dr. the Honourable Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR Government, said, ‘The CUHK Medical Centre not only provides an alternative for the people of Hong Kong, but also brings positive impacts upon the private healthcare system’s development in terms of hospital management, clinical quality, service standard and price transparency.’ Dr. Ko told the audience that CUHK has also committed to help alleviate the current pressure on the public healthcare sector by taking up referrals of specialist outpatient and day procedure cases from the Hospital Authority (HA). This partnership arrangement will have the benefit of shortening waiting times for public services on the one hand and, on the other hand, help ensure a comprehensive and diverse case mix and the quality of training offered by The CUHK Medical Centre.   Dr. Simon S O Ip, Chairman, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, said, ‘The CUHK Medical Centre underlines our commitment to improving the health and well-being of all our citizens,’ observed Dr Ip. ‘At HK$1.3 billion, our donation is the single largest ever made by the Club’s Charities Trust to medical services. We are pleased to support this important initiative to bring affordable healthcare to a broad range of our citizens and also help to relieve some pressure on our over-stretched public hospitals. Also, being a teaching hospital, it will help to train and develop healthcare professionals in our city, supplementing the facilities in existing teaching hospitals.’    In sincere appreciation of the HK$1.3 billion donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Charities Trust to the construction of The CUHK Medical Centre, CUHK will name one of the clinical blocks after HKJC.   Dr. Norman N P Leung, Chairman of the Council, CUHK, expressed his deep gratitude to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, other benefactors and dedicated alumni for their generous donations. He also thanked the HKSAR Government, in particular the Food and Health Bureau for their support, and the coordination works by the Department of Health, the Treasury, Lands Department, the Buildings Department, the Transport Department, the Civil Engineering and Development Department, the Highways Department, Shatin District Office, Sha Tin, Tai Po and the North District Councils. He believed that ‘The new CUHK Medical Centre will become a valuable asset for further enhancing the healthcare of the community and serve as a hub for quality medical education and research.’   Quality and patient-centered healthcare services The CUHK Medical Centre will provide innovative and patient-centered healthcare services, with package prices offered for 70% of inpatient services. This will bridge the service gap between private and public healthcare sectors by providing high-quality medical services with transparent and affordable pricing to middle-class families, so alleviating the pressure on the public healthcare system.   The CUHK Medical Centre will provide a full range of medical services, including Anaesthesiology, Cardiology, Chinese Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Geriatrics, General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Paediatrics, Pharmacy, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Renal Medicine and Urology. There will be 16 medical centres served by dedicated professional teams, including a 24-Hour Clinic, Allied Health Services, Cardiac Intervention Centre, Day Cancer Therapy Centre, Day Surgery Centre, Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology Centre, Elderly Day Centre, Digestive Medicine & Endoscopy Centre, Eye Centre, Haemodialysis Centre, Integrated Outpatient Clinic, Assisted Reproductive Technology Centre, Radiotherapy Centres, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Centre, Urology Centre and Wellness Centre.   Situated at prime location with pleasant surroundings The CUHK Medical Centre will cover a total construction floor area of 100,000 m² and will provide around 600 beds. It is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2020 and start operation in the second quarter. The hospital is conveniently located next to the MTR University Station and the public transport exchange. The design of the hospital embodies patient-centered principles, which allows patients to recover in pleasant surroundings. The hospital incorporates green designs, which includes setting out courtyards, gardens and balconies in different areas within the hospital. The patient rooms are spacious with choices of one-bed, two-bed or four-bed rooms. They are designed to maximize space to ensure patients’ privacy and smooth the work flows of the medical staffs. The hospital will also adopt user friendly interior designs and facilities, like creating colour scheme for different areas, providing clear signage for easy navigation, and including safety features for the elderly and barrier free access design.   For more information about The CUHK Medical Centre, please click into the hospital website: For more photos, please visit:

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