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Paediatric Clinic

Our Services

  • Diagnosis, treatment and care for general paediatric illness, such as respiratory tract infections, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infection, allergic diseases, skin rashes, vaccinations, growth concerns and common childhood injuries
  • Diagnosis and management of other paediatric conditions of subspecialised fields:
    • Paediatric cardiology
    • Neonatology
    • Paediatric immunology, allergy and infectious disease.
    • Child skin clinic
  • Child Development and Vaccination Programme to provide regular physical examination, developmental assessment and vaccination for new-born babies and children
  • Paediatric Allergy & Immunology Clinic Services to provide professional allergy test to identify the source of allergy and to find the appropriate treatment pathway
  • Professional breastfeeding support by lactation consultant to help solving problems encountered by mothers and babies during breastfeeding
  • Child consultation before COVID-19 Vaccination Service to provide a focused consultation and medical advice for children under the age of 18, and address parents’ enquiries on COVID-19 vaccination
  • TeleMedicine Service to provide alternate choice for consultation during the pandemic to solve medical needs without leaving home

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Joint Consultation of Chinese and Western Medicine Services

Joint consultation of Chinese and Western Medicine combines treatment advice from both Chinese medicine practitioner and Western medicine specialist at the same time. 

    Scope of Service
    • Paediatric eczema and the related allergy disease
    Booking and Consultation Flow
    • Please call 3946 6321 to make an appointment
    • On the day of consultation, both the Chinese medicine practitioner and Western medicine specialist will perform the consultation at the same time
    • The Chinese medicine practitioner and Western medicine specialist will personalise treatment plan based on the patient's condition
    Consultation Session

    Every Thursday PM

    Enquiries & Booking:3946 6321



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    中西合璧抗濕疹 (Only available in Chinese)

    Integrative MedicineEczema

    中西合璧抗濕疹 (Only available in Chinese)

    濕疹是一種成因複雜的過敏性、炎症性皮膚疾病,涉及多個內在及外在環境因素,其症狀包括發炎、痕癢、皮膚乾燥,嚴重者更出現「苔蘚樣變」,調理及改善症狀亦需時,即使情況得以控制仍須小心處理,例如飲食要留意,識別並避免致敏原的接觸,注重皮膚保濕等。 中醫對濕疹的病因理解及處理: 濕疹的成因多與風濕熱有關,強調整體平衡和調理,主張患者少吃或戒除熱毒性食物,如牛肉、羊肉等,以及致敏性發物,如貝殼類海鮮等。在治療上主要採用清熱涼血,養血潤燥,祛風止癢的醫療方案,處方會加入養血、養陰的中藥,以改善皮膚乾燥和減少鱗屑,同時可顯著地減輕因痕癢引起的苦楚。患者通過中醫治療有助於改善體質,減少濕疹復發。 西醫對濕疹的病因理解及處理: 由皮膚屏障功能出現障礙以及患者自身免疫系統出現紊亂所致,加上外在環境的刺激亦會惹起濕疹發作,例如轉季期間,忽冷忽熱的天氣令濕疹加重。西醫用藥多是消炎藥、抗敏感藥、外塗或口服類固醇,達至抑制免疫系統,減少發炎的效果;並會評估致敏原,找出病因,並采用針對性措施,有效控制病情。 每個患者的濕疹病情和體質都有所不同,中西醫學結合治療可以取長補短,標本兼治,同時能綜合考慮患者的整體狀況和病因,從不同角度制定個人化的治療方案,提高療效。

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    Service Hours

    • MON - FRI:
      9:00AM - 5:00PM
    • SAT:
      9:00AM - 1:00PM


    • phone (852) 3946 6321

    • address1/F, CUHKMC