International Medical Services
CUHK Medical Centre established the International Medical Services team to specifically take care of your medical needs during your visit in Hong Kong, providing one-stop reservation, consultation and related support services. The healthcare services attaches great focuses on the well-being of our visitors, ensuring their medical needs are meticulously served and attended to with full support and care. With the support of the latest medical technological facilities and equipment, you can rest assured that we will provide utmost care from all our medical centres, including body checks, specialist surgeries, maternity services and cancer treatments.
Key Medical Services
CUHK Medical Centre provides specialist medical services with price transparency and professional care:
Prestige Health Check Programme
- The programme covers more than 60 checkup items, checking for symptoms and risk for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and other common health conditions
- Managed by the hospital's professional medical team, delivering the best-in-class care service to you and your family with state-of-the-art equipment
- Patient-centric with service flexibility and additional items under our “Health+” component to cater to your health needs
- Comfortable and exquisite environment with attentive care and great convenience
More Information:
Appointment & Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6188
Mainland China Toll-free: 4001 20 0937
Enquiry and Appointment Request Form:
MenCare and WomenCare Health Check Programme
- MenCare and WomenCare Health Check Programme are health check programmes specifically designed for men and women’s needs
- Professional healthcare team to take care of you and your family’s health needs
- Personalised health check items based on doctor’s evaluation of your health condition
- “Right-fit” approach to ensure you do not go through unnecessary procedures and costs
More Information:
Appointment & Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6936
Mainland China Toll-free: 4001 20 0937
Enquiry and Appointment Request Form:
Your health condition and needs are unique. Other than choosing from the above programmes, you may get in touch with our professional medical personnel and personalise a health check programme that fits your need.
Appointment & Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6936
Mainland China Toll-free: 4001 20 0937
Enquiry and Appointment Request Form:
If you are arranging health check services for a party of three or above, please reach out to us for arrangement at least one month in advance.
More Information:
Family Appointment
Telephone: (852) 3946 6936
Mainland China Toll-free: 4001 20 0937
WeChat: CUHKMC_Wellness
Corporate & Group Appointment
Telephone: (852) 3946 6199
WhatsApp: (852) 5213 2232
Enquiry and Appointment Request Form:
To meet the medical needs of mainland visitors to Hong Kong, our hospital accepts Cross-Border Remittance through Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). This allows mainland visitors to have an additional payment option when receiving health check services.
More Information:
Appointment & Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6936
Mainland China Toll-free: 4001 20 0937
Enquiry and Appointment Request Form:
Our Endoscopy Centre at the Medical Centre is supported by the clinical and academic team of CUHK Faculty of Medicine. Formed by specialist doctors and nurses, our professional medical team provides patient-centred, quality and holistic diagnostic and treatment services to patients.
Our Services:
- Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Endoscopic ultrasound (Upper GI EUS)
- Endoscopic ultrasound (Hepatopancreatobiliary EUS)
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
More Information:
Appointment & Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6033
There is now good evidence on the importance of the first 1000 days of life (i.e. 9 months period of pregnancy and the first 2 years of life) to the children’s long-term health.
Besides the holistic care to expectant mothers from their early pregnancy to postpartum period, we also provide pre-conception care and counselling services to optimise the physical and mental health prior to pregnancy, in particular for women with underlying medical problems or previous obstetric complications.
Prenatal Care
- Dating scan
- Antenatal screening and risk assessment
- Routine antenatal care
- Oral glucose tolerance test
- Fetal monitoring with cardiotocogram
- Group B streptococcus carrier screening
- Ultrasound scan for fetal surveillance
- Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT)
- First trimester pre-eclampsia screening
- Expanded gene carrier screening (for rare disease)
- Fetal morphology scan
- Screening for preterm delivery
- Antenatal Education
- Antenatal exercise
- Lactating consultant counselling
- Nutrition advice to optimise gestational weight gain
- Maternal immunization – influenza and pertussis vaccination
Labour and Delivery
- Private delivery room
- Partner and key person accompany in labour
- Drug free labour pain relief
- Hydrotherapy in birth pool
- Birth ball
- Aromatherapy
- Music
- Massage
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Pharmacological pain relief
- Entonox
- Epidural analgesia
- Coaching on birth position and early skin-to-skin contact
Postnatal Care
- Rooming in
- Bedside infant feeding support
- Postnatal assessment and wound care
Post Hospital Discharge Care
- Telephone support by lactating consultant
Special Management
- Special nutritional advice for vegetarians, vegans, and mothers with previous gastrointestinal surgery
- Multi-disciplinary management by physicians for provding antenatal care and addressing complicated medical conditions during pregnancy: e.g. hypertension, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, renal disease, thyroid dysfunction and other endocrine conditions
More Information:
Appointment & Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6820
Key Specialties
While a referral letter is not required to make an appointment for our specialist outpatient service, you are reminded to pay attention to the specific terms of your medical insurance for your coverage.
More Information:
Appointment & Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6888
Professional Services
You may contact our team of dedicated staff to plan ahead for your trip or pre-book our healthcare services. We here at the CUHK Medical Centre strive to put your convenience at the forefront of our priorities.
Professional Support
Pre-visit preparation
- Materials Preparation (Depending on the medical service needs)
- It is important for us to have a clear picture of your medical history. We strongly advise you to bring along with you any medical imageries such as X-ray, CT, MRI Scans or any related documents indicating your previous history as guided by our staff. Relevant documents can allow our team of healthcare professionals to understand your medical history and condition for a holistic diagnosis and assessment.
- Service Appointment
- All our healthcare services require advanced booking; except our Emergency Medicine Centre which provides immediate medical care to those requiring emergency medical attention. You are advised to make an appointment and confirm your booking before proceeding with your subsequent travel and accommodation arrangements.
- Budget Estimation
- We commit to providing price transparency and accurate budget estimations for the services that you request. Surgical procedures and inpatient services may require a doctor's evaluation before a budget estimation can be provided. Please kindly check with our staff upon making an appointment.
Post-visit follow-up
- The official medical reports can be delivered to your overseas address via direct mail on request.
General Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6888
Corporate/Group Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6199
WhatsApp: (852) 5213 2232
Enquiries on Health Check Programmes
Enquiry & Booking Form:
Telephone: (852) 3946 6936
Mainland China Toll-free: 4001 20 0937
Japanese Customer Support
Telephone : (852) 5211 0121
WhatsApp : (852) 5211 0121
E-mail :
Concierge Services
Types of Inpatient Ward
- Our room selections include 4-bed rooms, semi-private rooms, private rooms and deluxe rooms. All beds are equipped with infotainment system for services such as accessing free TV channels, internet, video call, tele-visit, and meal ordering etc.
- Companion bed service is available upon request
- Please kindly click on the link below to browse our room facilities:
Room Facilities
Express check-out and in-room payment (for private rooms only)
Hotel Accommodation
CUHK Medical Centre wishes your time in Hong Kong to be a pleasant one and will be happy to provide information on nearby hotel accommodation for your choosing.
- Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin
A 3-minute stroll away from CUHK Medical Centre
Online Reservation:
Reservation Hotline: (852) 3723 7888
Please contact Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin for details and terms and conditions
- Royal Park Hotel
Approximately an 8-minute drive or a 10-minute rail transit away from CUHK Medical Centre
Online Reservation:
Reservation Hotline: (852) 2694 3898
Reservation Email:
Enquiry Email:
Please contact Royal Park Hotel for details and terms and conditions
- Alva Hotel by Royal
Approximately an 11-minute drive away from CUHK Medical Centre
Online Reservation:
Reservation Hotline: (852) 3653 1266
Reservation Email:
Enquiry Email:
Please contact Alva Hotel by Royal for details and terms and conditions
- Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin
Approximately a 7-minute drive away from CUHK Medical Centre
Online Reservation:
Reservation Hotline: (852) 3940 8888
Please contact Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin for details and terms and conditions
Transportation Arrangement

Taxi Hailing Service
Transportation Advice – Arriving CUHK Medical Centre
- CUHK Medical Centre is located near the Exit B of the University Station on the East Rail Line.
- From Lo Wu or Futian Port: The East Rail Line will take you to the premise in about 30 minutes
- From Hong Kong West Kowloon Station: Take the Tuen Ma Line from Austin Station to Hung Hom Station, and then interchange to East Rail Line and arrive at University Station in about 33 minutes.
- From Hong Kong International Airport: Take the Airport Express to Tsing Yi Station, interchange to Tung Chung Line for Nam Cheong Station, then interchange to Tuen Ma Line for Hung Hom Station, then interchange to East Rail Line for University Station. Arriving in about 60 minutes.
- For more transportation advice
Payment and Insurance Information
Payment Arrangement
- Make an electronic payment (such as VISA, Master Card, Alipay HK, WeChat Pay etc.) in the room
- Proceed to the Cashier at G/F and settle the payment in cash or cashier’s order drawn from a local bank
- Show the deposit receipt upon discharge
Insurance-related matters
We have partnered with certain local and international insurers as well as third-party administrators to provide direct billing services to our patients
Insurance Liaison Officer
Telephone: (852) 3946 6262
Service hours: Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5:30pm
Emergency Medicine and General Outpatient Service:
Emergency Medicine Centre provides 24-hour emergency medicine and general outpatient service with no appointment required. The centre will treat general discomfort (eg. cold, flu), acute conditions (eg. fever, dizziness, pain) and wounds among other situations.
Other Services:
Health checks, specialist outpatient service, surgery and other inpatient services will require an appointment and pre-arrangements. Please book your required services to avoid any inconvenience.
Our International Medicine Service team speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and English, and will be able to facilitate you through the procedures from booking through to receiving care.
The duration of your stay depends on your exact condition and varies from case to case. Our team will provide a detailed explanation of your time with us at the time of appointment-making to facilitate the planning of your trip.
The CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is a non-profit, private teaching hospital wholly owned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). With a social mission to bridge the service gap between the private and public healthcare systems in Hong Kong, CUHKMC is dedicated to offering quality healthcare service at affordable and transparent package prices. In line with the not-for-profit principle, all surpluses from all healthcare services will be ploughed back to the hospital for hospital development and the CUHK Faculty of Medicine for research and teaching.
Contact Us
General Enquiry
Telephone: (852) 3946 6888
MON - FRI: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Enquiry on Health Check Programmes
Telephone: (852) 3946 6936
Mainland China Toll-free: 4001 20 0937
MON - FRI: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
SAT: 9:00AM - 1:00PM